Videoblog 02: The Recording of Neil

First off: my heart-felt apologies for falling off the grid for so very long! I am hoping to get back in your good graces with this posting, so let’s get on with it, shall we?

As many of you know, in June celebrated author Neil Gaiman was touring across America doing readings to sell-out crowds in support of the release of the 10th anniversary edition of his widely acclaimed novel, American Gods.

As it turned out, his final date was on the 28th in Los Angeles … where my good friend Rob King – composer & sound designer extraordinaire – maintains his recording studio.

I spoke to my incredibly talented Co-Producer Cat Mihos (who, handily enough, is also Mr. Gaiman’s truly amazing assistant, merch-queen, and all around go-to-gal) about the possibility of arranging a recording session for The Price’s narration track with Neil while he was in town. Somehow the planets aligned, and the appointment was made for the day after his performance on both The Late Show with Craig Ferguson, as well as his reading later that evening at the Saban Theatere in Beverly Hills with comedian Patton Oswalt joining him onstage (as well as surprise guest reader Zelda Williams).

I arrived the day before and was invited to attend the show — in fact, Cat asked if I’d like to come early to “meet The Boss.” I’m sure I stuttered something in response, but I can’t recall it now. I had never met Neil in person before, and despite all of the wonderfully generous things he has done for me … I found that I was more than just a little bit nervous.

Here is the Saban theater and the start of the wrap-around-the-block line:

Backstage at the Saban:

Cat introduced me to many of the celebrities who were there to meet Neil and share a moment with him before things got underway. I was definitely out of my own element; it was electrifying and dizzying and a little disorienting all at once. Neil was incredibly gracious with each person who stopped by, taking time to listen and share a moment or two with all of them. His patience and enthusiasm really impressed me, to the point when I finally got to say my own hello, I couldn’t help but remark, “This is all pretty crazy …”

He tilted his head slightly and replied, “You know, it is what it is.”

Cat amazed me in her own right, skillfully maneuvering each well-wisher into a gentle queue, alerting Neil to who was next and making everyone feel welcome … impressive!

Here is the astounding Cat Mihos at work:

And her magic clipboard (details discreetly blurred-out, of course):

The show itself was a roaring success, and although Neil said that standing up in front of an audience is not his favorite thing to do (“I’m an author. I sit alone in a room and I write!”), you could never tell by the way he held all of us enrapt. Check out this crowd photo (by M.C. Valada):

Can you spot me? I look like a student in Professor Indiana Jones’ class … just look at all of those googly-eyed females!!! :)

I met more wonderful people backstage after the show, including a few who actually recognized me as “that Kickstarter guy!” All in all, it was a most surreal and memorable night. But then, there was the following day …

The only way I can even come close to sharing what on earth it felt like to be lucky enough to have a private reading by Mr. Gaiman is to share some of the video I shot before, during, and after the recording session; please enjoy Videoblog #02: The Recording of Neil

Videoblog #02: The Recording of Neil from Christopher Salmon on Vimeo.

Again, my sincere apologies for the huge gap between postings, but don’t despair: there will be more to come in the next few days and on a regular basis thereafter. I have been soundly scolded by one of my Backers/Associate Producers about not including all of you in the various production processes (more on him later), so consider me chastened. See you all again soon, and thanks so very much for your continued interest and support!!!

About Xtopher

Director of The Price, and Owner/Creative Director of Silver Fish Creative, LLC.
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28 Responses to Videoblog 02: The Recording of Neil

  1. Rosalind says:

    I’m happy to see there’s progress being made, and am very much looking forward to the day when The Price will be completed – albeit it will be quite sad to put an end to your epic adventure. I can only imagine how exciting it was to have Mr Gaiman read to you – you have my admiration for managing to keep so calm – I doubt I’d manage to hold my act together so well….

    Thank you for coming up with this project and for the updates!

    • Xtopher says:

      Thanks Rosalind! I agree: it will be rather bitter-sweet once The Price is finished, but I’d have to say the sweet far out weighs the bitter — by a long shot!!!

  2. Jophiel says:

    Hey Christoffer, good to hear from you again! Can’t wait to hear more about the project 😉

  3. Jealous as hell, I can assure you! Rob’s place looks fantastic. And thanks for sending out another update. I feel horrible as I’ve made so little effort lately to keep myself over at the forum and haven’t spoken with you in ages (which is terrible… been entirely preoccupied by work on a new novel, fretting over a large batch of short stories making the rounds before I send them out into the world to be repeatedly rejected). But so glad things are going well and am happy to see you guys enjoying your work.

    Keep us posted!

    • Xtopher says:

      Hey Michael!!! Fantastic to hear from you & that you are living the dream — way to go, man!!! Seriously, I am so proud of you for being so ambitious! And don’t let those crappy rejection notices get you down (I don’t remember the exact number that Stephen King said that he got before finally getting published — something like 165 reject slips that he stuck on a nail in his bedroom wall); it will happen, my friend!!! Yeah, Rob’s place is fantastic (and so is he). Look forward to hearing more from you soon!!!

  4. Den Shewman says:

    Good to hear that things are going so well, man! It’s a great project and a great update, and you seem the perfect combination of artist, craftsman and appreciator to pull off this whole crazy scheme. I envy you your abilities, and thank you for applying them on such a wonderful project.

    Thanks of course also goes out to Mr. G, for both creating the work and being so gracious as to support your adaptation in word and deed. He is indeed indefatigable, in both energy and wit. Had the pleasure of interviewing him a few years ago on a Comic Book Legal Defense Fund tour, and to see him go from hours of signing to interviews to a reading puts the rest of us to shame.

    And thanks as well to Ms. Cat, without whom Neil, you and we your supporters would be lost (Neil possibly literally :)

    Best to you and your beasts, real or imagined, and thanks for doing the good work!

    • Xtopher says:

      Hey Den — great comments! (Yes, it is a “crazy scheme!”) :) You are so very welcome; my thanks for being so patient and kind! And you choose a perfect word to describe Neil as he has unflagging enthusiasm for what he does (even when exhausted). It was a genuine privilege to meet him.

  5. Andrea Z. says:

    Yay! That was a great update. How exciting! I am SO looking forward to seeing the project come to completion. I think it will inspire plenty of people to go after their dreams.

  6. Christopher,

    Fantastic to get an update, and what an update! I loved how your unvarnished, undiluted joy in the experience came across in the video. It must have made the project feel that much more real to be present for the recording of Mr. G’s narration.

    All the best with the rest!

    • Xtopher says:

      Well put Trevor: unvarnished & undiluted indeed!!! :) As far as him being there in person making the project more real, it was actually a bit difficult to keep from feeling waves of unreality wash over me throughout the day, you know? (But I am most certainly not complaining!) Much thanks, sir!

  7. Terry says:

    What a trip of a day that must have been! The term “giddy as a school girl” (in your case, boy) comes to mind. How wonderful that Neil is so generous and kind. Thank you for sharing your progress and your excitement. Can’t wait to hear more. Thank you, thank you!

    • Xtopher says:

      Giddy is absolutely appropriate, Terry! (However, ‘school girl’ is not …) 😉 Thanks for the encouragement!!!

  8. Chip Patton says:

    Christopher, very nice! Great indoor / outdoor lounge. And I agree that Neil’s patience and energy are huge. Best of luck going forward with The Price!

  9. stacyhurt says:

    Hahahahaha! Dude! I was sitting like 8 rows behind you! I can see myself & my daughter! (we were decidedly NOT googley eyed!) Kewl! The reading at the Saban was sooooo awesome! You one lucky dude to get him in person!! We are so excited we can hardly wait for The Price to be finished, so quit messin around entertaining celebs & GET TO WORK! LOL!


    • Xtopher says:

      Right on Stacey … and yes, that reading was utterly fantastic! (I look kinda Photoshop-ed in that picture though, don’t you think? Weirdness …) Now: BACK TO WORK!!! 😉

  10. Trey says:

    Great video! I’ve met Neil at signings before, and it is kind of hard not to get all fan-squee on him. He’s just so nice and charming and cool, the kind of guy who makes you want to also be cool in his presence. I’d say you held yourself together very well.

    Unrelated question: I’ve changed addresses twice since I made my Kickstarter donation. When the movie finally comes out, is there going to be some mechanism in place for those of us who have moved since the project began? I don’t want my DVD to get shipped to a complete stranger (or even an incomplete stranger).

  11. Thanks for that update and video! So cool that you met Mr Gaiman! Lucky you! ^_^ Had been wondering about the project lately… I really hope we’ll get to see more of the production process! I’m super curious about how it’s coming along!

  12. Trish says:

    Finally my hubby fixed my Internet connection so that I could watch the vid (not so good with everything is choppy and it wouldn’t buffer beyond 1min!)

    I am so happy for you!!! The vid was amazing–I’ve never “seen” Neil read before and I actually got chills (on top of all the emotion I had for you and your excitement!)

    Thank you for sharing your experience with us. I can’t wait to see how it all unfolds.

    Keep us posted–regularly! Promise?

    Best wishes.

    • Xtopher says:

      Good to hear you got past those pesky “technical difficulties!” You are not alone either: many of the comments I’ve received have mentioned similar reactions upon hearing Neil read … it really was an incredible thing to experience, so I’m glad that came across for you in the video!

  13. The Imp says:

    Gee, *I* wanted to geek out and I’m just watching the video! :) So cool! As I sit here next to my framed copy of The Price poster, I cannot WAIT for the finished product! It’s going to be so amazing. Keep it up!

  14. John F. says:

    This vlog is wonderful. It gives me such a great feeling to see that a filmmaker and incredibly artistic person such as yourself is still able to hardcore geek out when the time is right (and perhaps necessary haha). I can’t imagine a more perfect person to be making this film, and I CAN’T WAIT to see the finished project. Good luck with everything as you work on this amazing story!

    • Xtopher says:

      Wow, thanks for your vote of confidence, John! I’m glad my excitement over getting to hear Neil in person has been well received — and has apparently resonated with so many people! That was definitely the intent: to share my good fortune vicariously with the legions of other Gaiman fans to hopefully enjoy.

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